With an icy cold wind chilling the canal I thought the Perch might need a bigger meal to get them moving today. So I spent the afternoon with HTO’s creature baits – the Bug-ga and the Paddle Bug. Both fit nicely on a 1.5g Maikuro jighead and with the extra weight of the lure, was enough to combat the breeze today.
Without doubt, the Bug-ga is my favourite of the two. With 1.5g the combo has a lovely fall rate, resulting in the creature standing to attention upon hitting the deck. The canal was crystal clear today and perfect to try out different techniques. I definitely felt more confident with the creatures when I reached the siltier sections. With the amazing clarity I could see puffs of silt as I hopped the lure along. On the pauses, the lure would wave enticingly through the resulting ‘cloud’. Reckon this would draw in hungry fish over quite some distance.
Anyway, the proof was in the pudding. And I’m glad to say I had a dozen or so Perch. The biggest going 38cm. My stingy scales said 2lb 3oz. Warmed me up.
Sam Roche
16th February, 2016 @ 9:18 am
Very nice, Things are a bit slow over hear at the moment I’ll have to give those a bash see if they might make a driferance.