Not strictly an LRF catch but an interesting capture none-the-less. I had this Thornback Ray on a 6-inch Berkley Gulp Sandworm as we drifted for Plaice. He nailed it good and proper. Just shows you every fish is a predator. Love this stuff!

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10th May, 2013 @ 6:18 pm
That is fantastic. I as you guys think there is no end to what can be taken on lure with a bit of consideration and planning! Nice by chance fish!
10th May, 2013 @ 7:21 pm
Thanks Jamie. I did think I had a 5lb Plaice but to be honest I wasn’t disappointed. Just those blimmin’ dogfish that elude me. Need to find a less lazy one!
16th December, 2013 @ 5:25 pm
Incredible capture, would love one! Dog fish is a species I’ve been meaning to get after for a while, my plan is to go to my local estuary (Fowey) and fish drop shot with an XL Isome left over night in the juice inside of cod liver oil! Gotta be able to tempt one then…