Trying to find time to write a bit about my fishing is more difficult than actually getting fishing but I’ll delve back into the mind tank and see what I can come up with.
Dan Sissons
Posts by Dan Sissons:
There’s Something About The Bass
I promised myself when taking up this lure business that I wouldn’t get consumed by Bass. Not that I don’t enjoy Bass fishing. I do, but I’d seen folk get the silver fever and start to look down their noses at everything else. No sir, I would not become that angler, but it’s very hard to not get a bit obsessed after a brilliant week’s fishing
At Last The Scorpions Turn Up
Finally the fishing has improved to a point where if I don’t catch I’m probably doing something wrong. Not a lot of variation in species though at the moment with Wrasse and Scorpos seemingly everywhere and dominating the harbour LRF stuff since the start of June in my part of the world.
Summer Bream
As I write this the football season has ended, the sun is shining and Daft Punk have released an album that gives me sunburn just listening to it. All of these things suggest that summer is fast approaching, Bream time!
Plaice, Plastic… Perfect
As we fast approach May we are finally getting April’s fishing. This time last year I had boated a few Bream and registered several more species but whether it’s from boat or shore, this year has been tough. The bonus of not having anything silver to fish for yet is that the Plaice have demanded more attention when boat fishing and with the right set-up are entirely target-able with plastics. Last Sunday the weather gave us a window to try Hayling Bay again.
LRF Plaice Kicks Off 2013
Plaice dominate the local boat fishing at this time of year and traditionally herald the start of spring. Of course this year has been slightly different, what with winter out-staying its welcome. But rather surprisingly, the Plaice have been showing in very good numbers out of Southsea and Hayling Island beaches when the weather has actually allowed boats to get out. With some good numbers of fish being caught at some old traditional venues that have been poor for several years. The bonus being these marks are right on my sea-door-step and very lure friendly, so when the weather obliged last weekend we got old Drifter afloat and set about finding some fish.
Salon des Peche en Mer Nantes Fishing Expo
For the past few years we have made the trip over to Nantes for the Salon Peche en Mer fishing show. An overnight ferry from Portsmouth to St Malo and a bit of a road trip down to Nantes gives us plenty of time indulge ourselves in non-stop fishing conversation, which is sweet relief from the work based panic that builds up to a weekend away.
For anyone who hasn’t had the opportunity to attend this event it’s a lure angler’s dream with all the main players involved and the bonus of largely being relevant to what we do over here in the UK. Or should I say the UK lure scene is now relevant to what our French counterparts have been doing for some time. The sheer amount of information to digest is huge and we are still working through various catalogues and creating a virtual shopping list for the year ahead. But here are a few highlights to whet the appetite for the upcoming season.
Tub Gurnard, Number Twenty-something
Like lots of fellow anglers I like to keep a tally of species every year and I enjoy the challenge of seeking out a particular species to tick off the list. In the old days of bait-only fishing I would hit maybe 18-20 species a year, but now I mainly lure fish that total has risen year on year. Before any bait-boys get there bait elastic in a twist, this isn’t because fish all of a sudden like plastic more than food. It’s purely down to the fact I am fishing more.