West Bay Harbour
Aji Ringer Shad Flounder

Saturday night saw me hatching a plan to administer a Flounder smackdown. Wedged between my Lulworth wrasse-a-thon in the morning and the Bristol BLAC qualifier the next day, I settled on West Bay, in Dorset. It was high tide when I arrived at dusk. Bites were instantaneous and I wondered why I’d managed to overlook this mark before now. There’s an awful lot of structure to target and at night, bright flood lights – always good.

I’d jammed it really. Conditions were bang on for a night session. There was a ton of bait around and as soon as the lights came on it started getting murdered. As tempting as it was to join that party, my prey was on the bottom.

Habitually I started working pink Isome (doubles well as a small fry). My first fish was a tiny Pouting. I think I’ve caught these at the last 3 venues I’ve fished. I can’t remember them being that widespread in previous years. Anyway, good news for the fishcakes of the future! And then the bite and fight I wanted. Yes, my first Flounder of the year!

All along, what I really wanted was to nail one on an unflavoured plastic. The Isome had done its job and given me the confidence at a new mark, but it was now time to wean myself off and do it right.

Had a massive grin when a tap on the Ringer Shad materialised into another Flounder. C’mon! Love it when a plan comes together.

It’s a great place for LRF. I’ll be back.