Dodged a bullet with the UK weather last week and took a holiday with the missus to the Caribbean Island of Tobago. Nice.
Very much NOT a fishing holiday, but of course the travel rod made its way into the suitcase somehow.
The resort we stayed at had a little jetty with a bright light at the end. It was screaming ‘night game’ at me and eventually I succumbed. I’m glad I did as there were lots of nocturnal Squirrelfish in residence. I’m not sure if LRF has found its way to the Caribbean yet, but Squirrelfish offer first class game at night. And what a cracking looking fish with a red, yellow and white colour scheme.
In addition to the pretty Squirrelfish I had a number of Grunts, a badass Mutton Snapper, a lone Soldierfish and by fishing the shallows from the jetty, along the beach, just behind the gutter, I found a shoal of small Palometa Jack. Have to say, I’ve not found a harder fighting fish pound for pound. I got completely owned by the first fish – about a pound in weight! It did me fair and square. God knows what a fully grown Permit must fight like.
I thought I better at least try and man up a little to see what else was about, so on went the wire and a metal vib. I was thinking there might be a barracuda lurking in the shadows but instead I hooked a bigger Mutton Snapper that gave quite a scrap. I guess it went around 3lb. Tropical fun.
(Edit. The ‘Mutton Snapper’ is actually a Mahogany Snapper! As pointed out by Gabriel Collins. Many thanks!)
19th March, 2019 @ 9:03 pm
great work, I’m heading down to the Caribbean and can’t wait to try y new lrf gear out and btw the snapper is actually a mahogany snapper
27th March, 2019 @ 3:40 pm
Nice one Gabriel. There’s nothing quite like ticking off a new species from the comfort of your desk! I wasn’t aware of the Mahogany Snapper until now. Appreciated. Hope you have/had a great time LRFing