Well I’m delighted to say that the 2014 LRF season has finally started down on the south coast. I ended up having a fairly hectic, but great week of fishing – starting out on the boat, fishing some of our inshore marks towards Selsey, then shooting down to Brixham for some Light Game fun and then finally to my home town of Portsmouth for a mixture of LRF fishing styles.
After all the commotion of the past week I’ve just tallied up the species caught and it totals 10 lure caught species. I’m well happy about that for April and after such a slow start this year.
If you’ve been getting interested in LRF but haven’t yet ventured out – or if you’ve been out and been put off by a lack of fish / bites – now is the time to start your campaign. Inshore water temperature is increasing above 10 degrees, the fish are awakening from their winter slumber and spawning duties, and it would appear that they are hungry.
Go get ’em!
Sam Roche
22nd April, 2014 @ 10:17 am
Great stuff Adam, I’ll have to blow the dust off the LRF gear,Your are wright the light game fishing can be great crack. Well done 10 species at this time of the year is good going.
Adam Kirby
22nd April, 2014 @ 10:32 am
Cheers Sam. In many ways the best part of the year.
22nd April, 2014 @ 6:42 pm
Hi Adam love reading the articles, I’m going to brixham the end of the month for a few days, can u recommend anywhere I have fished the breakwater and berryhead and had some nice wrasse. But never much luck with the mini species.. Cheers Adam
Adam Kirby
26th April, 2014 @ 11:53 pm
Hi Royston. Thanks for the kind words. I’m sure there’s lots of marks around Brixham harbour where mini species must reside, but there’s one area that has sorted me out a couple of times – including the session that was just shown on Tight Lines. There’s a car park on the opposite side to the breakwater, near the fish quay. The coastline there is build up with large rocks. Fish in and around the rocks for all sorts of mini beasts. Watch out for the seal!