Released last year, Abu Garcia’s Revo Premier spinning reel caught my attention because of the ultra shallow spool. Designed specifically for a single fill of the group’s Nanofil or Fireline braids, this reel features a true shallow spool, not dissimilar to many hard to come by Japanese reels. These ultra shallow spools are still hard to come by in the UK, but can make your fishing more effective by removing the need for pointless backing and a problematic knot that can snag your modern braid.
Not cheap at sub £200 but this reel has plenty of other features and some breakthrough technology.
One day shallow spools will be commonplace.
[Update: Here is my long-term review of the Abu Garcia Revo Premier Spin 10]
Sam Roche
15th October, 2013 @ 1:06 pm
HI Adam,
That look’s a nice bit of kit, How dose it compear to size wise to other manufacturers.
Adam Kirby
15th October, 2013 @ 6:07 pm
Hi Sam. Good question. I think their sizes are comparable with ‘other popular spinning reel manufacturers’. Officially there’s a 10, 20, 30 & 40. I was groping the 30 and it felt similar to a 3000. However I believe they don’t bring either the 10 or the 20 into the UK. I don’t really understand this mentality from the big manufacturers. They seem to run to where the puck is, rather than where the puck is going.
Sam Roche
16th October, 2013 @ 8:55 am
Thanks Adam, That’s a shame as I am a big LRF fan the shallow spool would great for that kind of
Adam Kirby
16th October, 2013 @ 5:47 pm
Totally agreed. It just doesn’t make sense to have deep spools on LRF reels. 100m or 150m of 0.4PE – done!