Kouichi Murai CEO of Breaden

By a strange chain of events, I had the absolute pleasure of fishing with Kouichi Murai, CEO of the Breaden tackle company of Japan. My new friend Shota Jenkins Konno had asked if we could go Light Rock Fishing while they were both over in Europe and of course I jumped at the chance.

The reason Dan and I were fishing in Dorset last week was so we could plan some fishing for Kouichi and Shota’s visit. It’s amazing how much pressure you feel when you know someone has traveled half way around the world and has limited fishing time available!

Despite our best efforts, typically the weather plotted against us – but it could have been a lot worse, so I’m thankful of that. We started by fishing Portland but the wind was more southerly than the westerly forecast. It was hard going but we managed one ‘Rock Fish’ (wrasse), a couple of Pollock and a Bass. While we could have hidden in Weymouth harbour all day, I think it was good to show our guests the kind of fishing grounds we have on offer. Kouichi, a seasoned saltwater angler, acknowledged the mark looked good and was animated by my announcement that the British record Ballan Wrasse was caught off Pulpit Rock – a 10lb Rockfish!

After some brave but wet fishing into the wind, we departed Portland for the relative safety of Weymouth Harbour and some LRF fun.

Kouichi was obviously using, and wearing his own creations from Breaden. I’m sure I was dribbling from time to time. The Glamour Rock Fish rod, ’13’ equipment bag, some uber trendy apparel, custom twin reel handle and one of their signature items – Metalmaru lures – designed for fish but looking much like a squid jig with trebles. That description doesn’t do them justice. These are meticulously designed and finished and I’m pleased to say I have a few samples to test – so watch this space.

Definitely one for the scrapbook in my mind. Fabulous day.

Check out the Breaden products