With a gap in the weather and a club competition to fish I didn’t need any further encouragement to get another day’s boat fishing in with Adam Kirby aboard our boat ‘Drifter’ last weekend.
Metal Jigs
Using Metal Jigs is one of the most active and exciting lure fishing methods in the LRF arsenal. Metal Jigs are available in a wide array of shapes, sizes and colours and can be fitted with small treble hooks, singles, or assists. They are normally cast out or jigged vertically in deep water. Sink-and-draw is a successful technique and fish will often attack metal lures on-the-drop.
Boat Lure Fishing At Last
Has this been the windiest year ever? It certainly seems that way to me and lots of fishing plans have fallen by the wayside as we simply could not get out in the boat. But when the weather eventually gave us a chance recently, we filled the boat with rods and lures with the intention of getting amongst a few fish.
Jigging For Bass
Lure fishing in the UK is firmly associated with Bass and even though my fascination with using lures stems from HRF/LRF it was inevitable that I would be drawn to targeting Bass from the boat. Over the years I have fished for Bass with live baits and although it can produce terrific results, fishing a live sandeel on a 12ft plus trace with 6-8oz of lead on a 12-20lb class rod always seemed a bit clumsy. I wanted to catch Bass from a boat on similar tackle to which I catch them from the shore, a 6-7ft 10-30 gram rod teamed with a 3000 fixed spool and 6lb braid,the trouble we have in the boat is tide, and lots of it.