Butterfly Blenny
NEW SPECIES! I’m calling it early… This will be my fish of the year. Dream fish. Butterfly Blenny (Blennius ocellaris). 9cm of grown-men-jumping-around-for-joy!
Cornish Lure Festival 2014
It’s a week since the kick off of the 2014 Cornish Lure Festival and I have to say I’m not sure I’ve recovered yet – it was EPIC
After entering the Species Hunt competition for the first time last year, I’d managed to pass on my enthusiasm for the event to mates, Dan and Chris. Estelle enjoyed last year, even as a non-fisher, and was along for the ride again too. So with a rough plan built around the far from perfect forecast, and the two productive marks I’d garnered last year, we all met up in deepest, darkest Cornwall. Exciting!