Florida Pompano

Myself, Paul Fenech and Paul Dennis shared a really enjoyable afternoon on Sanibel Island. After acquiring our saltwater licenses we went exploring and ended up at Sanibel Lighthouse – an angling spot of some fame as it turns out. However, as luck would have it we found ourselves there on Mothers Day and the place was pretty packed with beachgoers. It didn’t take long to see why.

When a dark shape approached up the sandbank we had waded out on, it had us scattering for shallower water with thoughts of the toothy-ones. But actually it turned out to be an inquisitive Manatee. It was later joined by another and revisited several times during our session. Along with a couple of dolphin crossing the bar, it made for a unique and memorable obstacle to our angling.

Paul Dennis and I were using light lure tackle, while Paul Fenech covered the area with the fly.

We each had fish – including Florida Pompano & Leatherjacket Fish (Oligoplites saurus) – which combined with a celebratory beer afterwards, was a great result from a day filled with laughs and unforgettable scenery.

Couldn’t help but feel that this place would be an epic mark at first light. I pledge to return some day.