One of the highlights from Saturday’s session at Swanage Pier was catching on the new Reins Aji Nyoro lure. New for the 2015 French Touch Fishing catalogue, the Aji Nyoro is a tiny 50mm eel replica. There’s a huge amount of tiny sandeel around at the moment and the Nyoro is the perfect lure to match the hatch.
On Saturday, I fished it on a super simple split shot rig with a tiny size 12 hook. Would have worked Carolina too. The last few inches of flutter made all the difference and gave that just-dead vibe. Reins seem to have found a new level of soft in the Nyoro. Even small fish like the Corkwing pictured have no trouble engulfing the lure.
Super cool way to catch critters. Nice to give the flavoured worms a break. #SameFishBiggerBuzz
1st June, 2015 @ 11:56 am
Thanks Adam, They look cool I’ll have to give them a go.
1st June, 2015 @ 12:29 pm
Do Sam. Something a bit different. Profile rather than action. The colour featured here is 175. Tight lines mate.