Not really light enough to be appropriate for LRF however this new line concept from French firm, Fiiish is nicely thought out. ‘Perfect Link’ utilises the clear thinking they developed with their Black Minnow range. The correct braid, fluorocarbon and lure clips are matched and presented in groupings; Light, Medium, Strong and X-Strong.
New Fiiish Black Minnow 70
UK distributor, Top Water Lures had cleverly got top French lure manufacturer Fiiish on their stand at the Tackle and Guns show today. It gave me an opportunity to see the new, baby Black Minnow 70. It measures 3 inches and features the same super-soft body, large paddle tail and fish catching action as the bigger models. The finely matched 3g head holds an offset hook that is fished weedless. Look forward to trying it out.